“Oregon Loves Its Pets” S/N License Plate
After launching our S/N plate program before the 2019 holidays, WAG had a flurry of interest until the pandemic hit. WAG put a great deal of resources toward making our dream of having an Oregon S/N license plate a reality–a program that would raise funds for low-cost S/N in our community as well as statewide. Unfortunately, but understandably, voucher sales slowed once the pandemic hit and we never recovered.
A larger organization, with a dedicated PR or marketing person/team, would be a much better fit for this project we ultimately discovered. We have no regrets. We learned a lot (which we are happy to share with another animal welfare organization that wants to try for a plate) and WAG did get its name and mission out to the public through many interviews and social media.
We would like to thank Kellie at the Oregon DMV for terrific support throughout this process, Rosie Leung and Radley Sustaire for extensive (and free!) technical and website support and Lee Ordonez for volunteering to design our beautiful plate. And of course, all of you who believed in WAG, our S/N mission and this program enough to purchase a plate voucher. We are grateful to all of you.
If you would like to donate your plate purchase monies to WAG’s Spay It Forward program that defrays the cost of S/N for low-income pet parents, please email us at SNplates@wagwag.org with DONATE in the subject line. Please provide your current mailing address and date of purchase if you know it so we can send you a thank you card with receipt for your donation. You can learn more about our Spay It Forward program here.
If you would like a refund, please email us at SNplates@wagwag.org, with REFUND in the subject line. Please provide your current mailing address and the date of purchase if you know it and we will mail out a check within 30 days.
We sincerely hope that another nonprofit organization is able to succeed where we were not, and make a S/N license plate a reality for Oregon. Stay safe out there everyone, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions at the email address above. Please, no calls to the clinic regarding the plates, as this is a board, rather than a staff, project.
Misha English
Board President, WAG